Thursday, April 2, 2009

Panic Attack

I've just had a panic attack. No fun. I also think I'm in the process of having another. So I deiced to blog and that way it will get my mind off of it.
I was starting to feel better and then I started working on an estimate sheet and boom, another one is coming on. Maybe I need to stay away from that estimate sheet for a little while.
Having a panic attack scars me SO BAD! The whole time I am thinking...I'm having a heart attack this is it. Heck if I think like that I could give my self a heart attack.
Let me tell you what usually happens during one of my panic attacks.
1. My chest starts to hurt
2. My arm starts to hurt...that's when I immediately think...Heart attack...I read to much about symptoms
3. I get really really hot
4. I cant swallow...makes me panic even more
5. I start to shake
6. My back starts to hurt....o no! Now I'm really having a heart attack
7. I find someone to talk to...this helps...I have a friend who usually talks about kitty cats when I call him
8. Deep and and and and out
9. I can swallow again
10. Arm, chest and back still hurts
11. Deep and and and out
12. Migraine starts to come on
13. I get really cold now...starting to shiver
14. Exhausted

So there you have it.

Ummm, maybe I'll start to feel better if I change the subject.

Weather. Its sunny out now, it was rainying...I'd rather have the rain.

Opps...I need to call my Mama back so she is not sitting there worring about me. Okay, just spoke to her and let her know what is going on.

I need a nap and some Advil.


Meet The Brown's said...

Best friend no more panic attacks.. gosh... you are not aloud to do taht