Monday, June 29, 2009


First day of being jobless. I'm bored.

Went to the Doctor today. I have to go back in the morning. Something about my gall bladder. O goody.
My blood was drown and I was asked about my ED. I'm actually doing OK. Some days the monster inside takes over and wins. But more and more, I win.

Found out that my replacement started this morning. Funny, I was told that they were getting rid of my position. Come to find out they where just getting rid of me.

Hiro spent the entire weekend with me. He is an amazing little guy. I love him with my whole being and more.
We played the weekend away.

Still every much hoping that I get the job that I applied for.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Harassment at Work

I have kept my mouth shut because I needed the job. But now that I don't work there anymore alot of things need to come to light.
First off. There are two woman who work there. Christian and Sharon. They talk about people, put people down, fire people cause they don't like them, and are basically mean and hurt a lot of people's feeling. They are not liked by most people in the company.
Working there with them, you are constantly subjected to harassment on a daily basis. No one is safe from this. Everyone is a victim.

Christian has actually harassed an underage child. While on a business trip while fellow employee was sleeping in his hotel room bed she decided after drinking that she would crawl into the bed with said gentlemen and mount him. He was very uncomfortable with this and forcefully removed her off of him.

She has also spread malicious rumors and lies about another female in the company. She has attacked this female on personal levels regarding her work performance, her marriage, a miscarriage she occurred, her weight and other very personal issues. This female has never come forward because she has to have this job to support her family.

There are several others in the company that they have personally attacked and openly discussed them and their personal issues a loud. Not only have they put these people down they have discussed their pay, their medical history, their health issues and their family lives. Here are the following people

Dewayne Willis
Freddy Martin
Steve Ward
Jeremy Baker
Pat Hampel
Eric Brown
Heather Brown
Gordon Green
Mike Schultz

I also have been a victims. I had a very personal matter that I took to my supervisor Sharon. I went to her thinking it would be handled confidently, since it was a health matter. When I returned to work after being off, most of the company knew about my "problem" After that snide comments would be made by Christian, Sharon and Bryan.

I have made many calls to report these things. I can't do anything, I was told, unless I get a lawyer. Even though I don't want to sue, I just want people to know what is going on.

Yes, people at jobs are known to say things about other people in a company. But this is way to much.
Since I can't do anything. I've decided just to post this. It want do anything but at least I feel better knowing that I tried.

Need To Know

There is alot that you guys need to know. For a year I have been watching and listening and keeping my mouth shut. But not anymore. Its time for EVERYONE to know about all the information that I have collected and stored.
Everyone is a victim of Christena and Sharon. Oh and lets not forget about Bryan. No one is safe. ALL of you have at one point or another have been talked about and put down (NO ONE RANKS HIGH ENOUGH IN THIER EYES). I have sat and listen disgusted. How can people be so mean?

Well, lets begin. These are actual quotes out of the mouths of Christena and Sharon.

PAT: "is a joke and a liar"! That's right. Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. You also take to many days off, never use the sign out sheet, use well over the allowed vacation and the only reason why you work at Supreme is because Tim is your Brother and you are family.

STEVE W.: Comments are being made about your late wife. Their version of it. I will say only that they have made horrible comments about her weight, her looks and what a skinny person like you would want with her. (How would I know what your wife looked like, I never go the pleasure to meet her.. And after knowing you I am sure she was a beautiful woman.

JERMAIE: Are you aware that you don't do any work, your poor, you lie, all you do is play on the Internet and talk on the phone. That your weird and your constantly made fun of. Your a grown man, you should not be playing hackey sack or video games. Its funny you cant afford to hire a real attorney to help you with your wreck and that you hired a loser and you wont see a penny of your money from your wreck.

TONY R: Dont tell Sharon about your legal troubles. I know you had a DWI and that you were driving only on a work license.

HEATHER: The only thing your good for is collecting the road crews time cards. You only got asked to go to Dallas because of Eric. You need to loose weight. You don't do anything right. You faked your first pregnacy and trapped Eric into being with you. You are unprofessional and so much more.

Eric: You only work there because you where Josh's friend. You screw up to many things and cause extra work for others. Your wife is the constant butt of jokes due to her weight and looks and especially the way you two look together...

Your a poor, a drug addict and you steal food from the refrigerator (mainly you)

GARY H: You have a big mouth and tell everyone everything, you just need to quit.

: YOUR AN EX CON!!!!!!! Dont understand why a person like Kendee would have ever married you. You were out of control with Tims money before she came along.

GORDON G: Your last paycheck was a big 3.00 check, I only know this because Sharon told everyone. You lie, cheat and scam everyone.

CHRIS L: You have been quitting forever. your never going to leave. your whine about everything and your not good at what you do.

Shop Guys: You all are druggies and are nasty. You people steel items from the refrigerator in the break room. Its a known fact that most of you pay child support and how you don't pay enough. TIM IS NOT AT&T get your own phone, its not our promblem you dont have enough credit to do so. Sharon likes to tell people about this. Its a wonder most of you even still have a jobs as smart as you are. You guys are your own breed.

If you tell Sharon something you better believe that Christena will know and the other way around...What Christena knows, she tells Sharon and BRYAN.. Bryan is a follower and listens to whatever he is told by them.. DONT TRUST THESE PEOPLE WITH YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION?

On another note: I have so enjoyed getting to know all you guys. Your a great bunch of guys. I wont miss Supreme, but you better believe that I already miss ya'll.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cups of Water

45 Life Lessons

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written."

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14.. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16.. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Thursday, June 18, 2009

5 Pounds

Five pounds down. Not alot but its a start. I would have thought I'd had lost more.
Here I am at work. Uggg! I so don't want to be here today. I would rather be at home laying on the couch and watching TV.
I truly hope that I will get this new job that I have applied for. I don't think I have ever wanted a job this bad before.
Father's Day is the coming Sunday, I just now realized.
This week is going by SO slow. I prolly say that every week. O well.
I have been having a pain on my right side. Not sure what the cause of it is. Guess I'll wait a few more days and if its still there I'll make an appointment to see the Doctor.
I'm so bored! You know when someone goes to work they should not be bored.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Weight Day

Today is weight day at the gym. I hope I lost a few pounds.
I don't feel like I've lost any, nor when I look in the mirror. I still see my big o'fat self. (Can you tell, this is a fat day)
I got rid of yesterday's lunch and today's. I was doing so well and now here I go again.
Last Friday I went and applied for a state job. Its at the Benton Health Center. I SO hope I get it!! I wont know until July 1st.
Speaking of July 1st. That is when I have to have my $250 for my cruise deposit. I don't have it right now. Its gonna be tough coming up with the money, but I have to.
I have to pace myself today. I have about got all my work done. Not good. Cause that means I wont have anything to do for the rest of the week except pretend to work. I hate having to look busy.
O great, now my head is starting to hurt.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bottle Lids

I just noticed something that I do.

Every time I finish drinking a bottle of water (any bottle drinks for that matter), when I go to throw the bottle away I refuse to twist the lid back on. I feel its a waste of my time.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I'm so looking for a new job.
I'm fed up with people here. Today I was told that I need to take pride in my work. What fucking work? I do their work. Crap that they dont want to do. Just because you dont want to do it doesnt me that I do.
I need the paycheck but not your attitude.
I left for lunch today and it took everything I had to come back here.
Damn the need for money!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So Far, So Good

So far I have worked out at the gym this 2 nights. Tonight will make 3. I'm gonna try and workout every night.
I'm back on my diet that my Doc put me on. Going really well. Last time I threw up was Saturday.
My legs hurt so freaking bad. Whats that saying, no pain no gain.
I have been drinking so much water, its a wonder my organs are not drowned.
Since I've been back on the diet, I actually find myself to be hungry and wanting to eat. Very strange. I haven't felt like that in forever. Also when I eat I don't automatically think, "is this gonna come up easy or not?"
Guess very thing is going good so far. Lets hope I keep it up.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bauxite Officer

Bauxite officer shoots suspect who leads authorities on chase
Monday, 08 June 2009

A man who reportedly led police on a chase Sunday was shot by a Bauxite officer.
The Saline County Sheriff’s Office assisted in the incident, Lt. Jerry Morrison said.
Around 3 p.m., Constable Scott Chaloner was behind the vehicle, which authorities said was stolen. Chaloner attempted to stop the vehicle but the driver would not stop.
Bauxite police Officer James Linker and the sheriff’s Deputy Jordan Ables then became involved in the pursuit.
The deputy reportedly was trying to put down stop strips at West Sardis and South Alexander roads when the suspect allegedly aimed his vehicle at the Bauxite officer.
The Bauxite officer then fired shots and struck the driver, authorities said. Two passengers in the vehicle were uninjured, authorities said.
The driver, whose identity sheriff’s authorities did not know, was taken to an area hospital. Sheriff Bruce Pennington said he believes the suspect was taken to Saline Memorial Hospital in Benton, but a spokesman at the hospital said the driver was not there.
Authorities obviously do not know the condition of the victim at this time.
Arkansas State Police have taken over the investigation and declined to comment further.
Attempts to reach Bauxite police were unsuccessful. But according to another news report, Bauxite Police Chief Jimmy Hood said the officer has been put on administrative leave with pay while state police investigate.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I started back on the diet that my Doctor wants me on, yesterday. Going pretty good. I also went to the park and walked the whole thing. I'm proud of myself. I could have walked it a second time, but it was getting dark and there was know why I wanted be out there at night.
I member the time that Chris, Bryan and I went to the park and walked the trail in the dark. I can believe I did that.
Monday I start going to the gym. So looking forward to that. (Really, I am)
Sent the day with Mama and Katie today. Had a good time.
I've got to figure out how I'm gonna come up with the money to give to Papa on July first. That's when I have pay my deposit for the cruise.
Nathan doesn't want to go. I wish he did.
We are getting along better here lately. I've been working on not yelling at him just because I'm having a bad day.
I So wanted to buy the Sims 3 this weekend but money was tight again. And plus I had to take Bella to the groomers, She comes first.
I'm so craving a Starbucks coffee and one of their Apple fritters. BUT instead I'm gonna go eat a apple. So not what I want.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Welcome to the world, Abby!