Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hiro's Trick or Treat

The air was crisp. The smell of leaves intoxicating. The moon full and bright. The streets where filled with witches, fairies, monsters, goblins and of course a Hog Fan.

Mama and I took Hiro out Trick or Treating. He had a great time. His Mamaw walked him up to doors and it didn't take long for him to get the hang of it. He would say "Trick or Treat" they would give him the treat and he would say, "thank you". What a polite boy he is.

It was such a joy for me to experience this with Him. A moment in time that I want to save so I can remember it always.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Its Been Awhile...

Since I last posted a blog. Life has been speeding by like normal.

Best Friend will be moving home in a couple of weeks or less. I've very excited for her to be back.

A friend and I are now back on speaking terms.

Family is well.

I love my job! I rode on a float for Western Hat Day. I got paid for having fun. Wow, never thought I would say that.

Husband and I are getting along. Happy to be reporting that.