Thursday, April 23, 2009

Letter to Me

"You are ten years in the future. Write a letter to your today self."

Dear Me,

Enjoy the age that you are and instead of crying on your birthdays, celebrate them. Your young still. Stop living like your an old woman and live life. Because when you become my age, which is very close to forty, you will want to go back and be twenty-seven again.
Don't take time with family and friends for granted.Cherish every moment you have with them, because some of them will no longer be with you at this time in your life. Make time to be with them. Do not say any longer that you don't have time. Because you do. Stop spending your Saturdays laying on the couch. Go be with your loved ones. Your gonna want that time again when you look back.
Go to counseling with your husband. Stop putting it off. Your marriage is important. If you don't you might just end up all alone at age forty-seven. Pick your battles wisely.
I know you love to read, but sometimes take your nose out of that book and live life.
Stop pushing people away now. Because if you don't, there will not be anybody around when you need them.
Achieve your goals.
Don't worry about money so much. Everything will work out just fine.
Listen to your Doctor. He knows whats best. If you don't, you might not make it to my age. Take care of yourself better. This is every important.
Be grateful for your eyesight now, because now its getting harder to see.
Forgive more. If you don't, this will hurt you. Believe me.
Take time and enjoy all the little things. And everyday do one thing that makes you happy. Love more and hate less. Be nice to yourself, love who you are.
When you become my age your gonna want to look back and smile. You will want to have lived your young life to the fullest, don't take anything for granted and have absolutely have no regrets.


Meet The Brown's said...

Thats a good letter to you from the future to the present.. I liked it... I enjoyed the advice.. Way to go