Monday, March 23, 2009


I have sitting here and clicking on "Next Blog" and reading random blogs. And I'm shocked and pissed off at this one I saw :

It makes me sick! Why the heck would someone post tips? I mean COME ON!! I'm really upset over this.

Don't write tips! Do not tell people how to do this horrible thing that we do to ourselves. You should be ashamed. Do you want other people to go through this. I know I don't. I wouldn't wish this on anybody.

I want my control back. I want to be able to eat and not immediately think, "OMG I have to get rid of this now" It controls my life and I want that control back.

But posting tips and giving people ideas is absurd. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

Just because "ITS" destroying your life doesn't mean you need to aid in helping "IT" destroy another life.


Jessicality said...

There is no excuse for their actions. In their minds, they think they are trying to help people and therefore create a "clique" of sorts so as to feel better about themselves.