Monday, March 23, 2009


I'm soooo sleepy! I stayed up and watched Twilight with my Sister last night...should have went on to bed...but I really really wanted to watch it. So today I'm paying the prices...having to fight with my eyes to keep them open.

My Sister is spending some time with me this week. She is on Spring Break. I'm sure she would have much rather went somewhere.

Something is wrong with my phone so I couldn't get online at home. Stupid phone. I go through phones so fast.

Went to church yesterday morning. Haven't been in a while and decided that I was going to go. Then I made a phone call....and almost decided n0t to go. I went anyways.

I'm thinking about watching children in my home. I already know of 3 children that would stay at my house. I'm going to figure out how much I would make and the let the Husband know.
The only thing about doing that is, what if I get sick...where will these children stay. I would be putting the parents out. Not a good thing since they would be paying me to care for them.
I'm gonna give this a lot of thought.

Did I mention that I sleepy? I so wish I could be curled up in my bed right now. Its supposed to rain even better reason why I should be in bed.