Monday, March 30, 2009

Cross or Not

So there I was, sitting in that same car again...but with different people. How did I get here with them.

I'm sitting in the drivers seat. I start the car and pull forward. Not so bad, I can do this. But why am I so worried?

The scenery that I'm passing is new to me. Am I going a different route this time?

The other two people in the car are speaking to one another but not to me, its like they don't even know I'm there in the car with them. But they have to know, I mean come on....I'm the one driving.

The worry that I had been feeling becomes greater. I'm afraid, but don't know why. I need to turn the car around but I don't.

I suddenly find that I know where I am at. I've been here before. A coldness comes over me.

I round the curve and that's when I see it.

That old wooden bridge. Its the only way to pass over that rushing water below.

I want to turn around but I cant. Its like I'm being pulled.

I stop the car before actually crossing.

I sit and stare at what is before me. Do I cross and take the chance of the bridge collapsing under the weight of my car. Or do I just sit here and wait....forever.

I'm cold and shaking and I can imagine what will happen when I cross over.

The wood will creek and then break...then we and the car will fall down below. I know it will happen. I can feel it.

I start to pull forward, knowing my fate.


Jessicality said...

The trick is to back the car about 100 yards, stomp the gas peddle and fly across those planks!!! Sometimes when you're scared, you've got to embrace the fear, head on, and call it's bluff. Rev that engine, girl.