Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I wish it was time to go home.
I got rid of my lunch today. I usually dont do that. I mostly get rid of food after supper.
After I ate, I rushed back here to work. I had to get that food out of my belly. It just had to come out!
I'm always worried that someone will here me. Its not like I'm at home where I have complete privacy.
I dont think I've mentioned it, Stephanie had Rylee Monday morning. What a beautiful baby she is. I'll try to remember to post pictures.
On Tuesday, I knocked my driver side mirror off my car. I hit my mirror on the Sonic menu. I so need to pay attention more.
Now my car looks funny. I have a busted mirror and a big dent in the back. I so WANT a NEW car. Its past time that I got one.
Maybe if I hadnt been fired, I would have a new one by now.
Its just now 3. This afternoon is dragging by. I'm screaming. Inside my head.
The sun came out today. But the rest of the week is supposed to be rainy.
BF is still in the hospital. I wish they would figure out what is causing her head to hurt. I dont see how she maintaned her sanity. I so would have already had a break-down. She is way tougher than I am.
My PaPa has finally became apart of the FB world. I love that my parents can use the computer and the internet.
Guess I better get by to work. Even though I'd rather not.
Time. Please. Speed. By.