Friday, May 22, 2009


I'll probably be fired soon. I feel it coming on. I can do no right around here. Its like two people here find something in everything I do wrong.
Fire me. I don't care. I'm tired of being the bitch around here.
Instead of whispering about me, go ahead and tell me whats on your mind. Really, I want to know.
If you want me to help you, fine, but don't work against me. We do work for the same company last time I checked. O wait, I forget, I'm not part for your little group.
I guess that's what I get because the groups hates it when I stand up for myself, Don't let you walk all over me, Don't care what you think and don't sit around with the rest of the group making fun of everyone.
I like being the outsider if you haven't figured it out yet!


Jessicality said...

It's sad that high school never ends. Stand up for yourself and don't let them beat you down. If you loose your job, so be it. Karma is a bitch, too.