Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jess's Topic for Today:

"what would I do today if I hadn’t got of bed and went to work"

I would start by turning off the alarm and the rolling back over, pulling the covers back over my head and snuggled down for some more extra sleep. NICE!

Eventually I would get up, make some coffee, turn on the TV, speak to my dog, and plop down on the couch.

Coffee is done...crawl off the couch and get me a cup...Ouch..burnt my tongue.

Plop back down on the couch and waste lots of time watching the TV until my mind goes numb.

Then eventually I would get up and think....maybe I should take a shower...which I do. A nice long one since on working morning I don't have alot of time.

Get dressed....find some lunch.

Leave the house, maybe go to a flea market or Hobby Lobby.

Come back while the TV is on for awhile then get up and make supper.

What a nice day.


Jessicality said...

What's for supper?

RainyThoughts said...

Ummm...I would order a pizza so I wouldnt have to move off the couch.