Friday, March 13, 2009

Books and Gifts

Got almost all of the things on list done today. Everything except for the tags for my car. Come to find out we owe some money on our personal property tax, so that has to be paid before I can get new tags. But all is good, cause Husband will take care of that next week.

Went to the book sale, like I said I would. Those are the books that I got. Only spent $12. Two dollars over my limit, o well.
Mama got a whole big box full.

I also bought the two baby gift for the showers tomorrow. I have to be at one place at 2:00 and the other shower at 2:30. Both are having girls. Decided to wrap the gifts instead of putting them in gift bags. Seems that everyone puts gifts in bags now days.


Meet The Brown's said...

AND WE LOVED BABY ABBYS FIRST GLOW WORM... And I know she will love it too

My gracious at the books