Friday, June 26, 2009

Harassment at Work

I have kept my mouth shut because I needed the job. But now that I don't work there anymore alot of things need to come to light.
First off. There are two woman who work there. Christian and Sharon. They talk about people, put people down, fire people cause they don't like them, and are basically mean and hurt a lot of people's feeling. They are not liked by most people in the company.
Working there with them, you are constantly subjected to harassment on a daily basis. No one is safe from this. Everyone is a victim.

Christian has actually harassed an underage child. While on a business trip while fellow employee was sleeping in his hotel room bed she decided after drinking that she would crawl into the bed with said gentlemen and mount him. He was very uncomfortable with this and forcefully removed her off of him.

She has also spread malicious rumors and lies about another female in the company. She has attacked this female on personal levels regarding her work performance, her marriage, a miscarriage she occurred, her weight and other very personal issues. This female has never come forward because she has to have this job to support her family.

There are several others in the company that they have personally attacked and openly discussed them and their personal issues a loud. Not only have they put these people down they have discussed their pay, their medical history, their health issues and their family lives. Here are the following people

Dewayne Willis
Freddy Martin
Steve Ward
Jeremy Baker
Pat Hampel
Eric Brown
Heather Brown
Gordon Green
Mike Schultz

I also have been a victims. I had a very personal matter that I took to my supervisor Sharon. I went to her thinking it would be handled confidently, since it was a health matter. When I returned to work after being off, most of the company knew about my "problem" After that snide comments would be made by Christian, Sharon and Bryan.

I have made many calls to report these things. I can't do anything, I was told, unless I get a lawyer. Even though I don't want to sue, I just want people to know what is going on.

Yes, people at jobs are known to say things about other people in a company. But this is way to much.
Since I can't do anything. I've decided just to post this. It want do anything but at least I feel better knowing that I tried.