Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday not Friday

Thursday. Not Friday, but close enough.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon. Not really looking forward to that. I want to lie to the Doc. but I know that once I get in there I'll spill the truth.
He's gonna ask me if I'm still seeing my counclor....yes....okay no. I don't like going because I have to pay $40 each time I go. I can think of other things I want to spend $40 on. But I know, I know, I need to go. I'll think about.
He will also ask how my "problem" is. (He wont use that word) And I'll want to tell him that I'm doing great, no problems, I've stopped completely. Wrong. I'll end up telling him the truth and then we will sit there discussing it. Great.
Also I have to get my B12 shot tomorrow. No biggie, shots don't bother me. I'm not sure if this is the appointment where I'll have my blood drawn...its coming up, I don't know which visit it will be.
I hate having my blood drawn, not because of pain or anything but because I cant stand the site of my blood coming out. Make me weak at the knees.

I just noticed something...the tool bar on here is different and the spell check is different also.

I'm still driving around on that donut. Dang Husband!
My poor car looks funny with that little tire on it.

I plan on going to see Fast and Furious this Saturday with my sibling's. Looking forward to that.

Well, I guess I've carried on enough. Better get back to work.